Reasons To Choose Aluminium Windows For Your Property

21 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Windows can be made from different materials, including timber, plastic and aluminium. Aluminium windows are a great low-cost, long-term option for both residential and commercial properties. Aluminium windows offer a number of benefits when compared to other types of windows. Here is why you should choose aluminium windows for your property.


Aluminium windows are tested against the same standards as timber and plastic windows. These include being examined against wind pressure, heat loss, leaks and how easy they are to open. When purchasing any window, ensure that the manufacturer has a certificate showing that they have met these requirements.


Aluminium windows are effective at reducing the amount of heat gained from the sun and the level of heat lost through the window. This means that they can save you a lot of money on your household bills. Aluminium windows are typically cheaper to purchase due to the low cost of the materials. Additionally, they can withstand damage from weather effects and high levels of minerals in the air. Aluminium can survive for a long time as it does not change shape or structure over time. However, timber windows become damaged over time, reducing the appearance and safety of the window. Aluminium windows are less likely to need replacing over time which reduces cost.


Doubled-glazed aluminium windows release less carbon into the environment than other windows as they take less time to manufacture. Aluminium is also easy to recycle, and it does not require much energy to be used during the recycling process. The methods used to colour the windows are long-lasting, meaning that there is not a need to paint or use oil on the windows. Paint and oil typically use chemicals that damage the environment, so the lack of need for these is more beneficial to the atmosphere than some other windows.


Aluminium windows are available in a number of colours and designs so they can be used in any property. They can be coated in a permanent colour or made to have the appearance of wood. Additionally, the frames for aluminium windows tend to be thinner than plastic frames, allowing for a more minimalistic appearance. Even though the frames are thinner, they are very strong and can accommodate any size of a window. They also take up less space over the glass, permitting unhindered views of the outside. Due to their design, aluminium windows remain in excellent condition over time, creating a great look for your home or business.